Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Horror of horrors

my vote not counting, not as horrible as i had originally thought.


so long marianne said...

I thought you could go back to your last polling place of record and vote there, or fill out a provisional ballot at your "should be" current polling place. There were voters doing that this morning who weren't on the roster, but lived in the boundaries.

Shawnie T said...

Nicole did do a provisional ballot but could not prove she lived in the boundaries because she didn't have a drivers license with our current address.

Miranda said...

yeah... if you never changed your address or re-registered then you should still be on the roster at your old polling place. You can re-register online when you change your address at the MVD online.

Skerrib said...

Aw, rats. That's a drag!

Nate said...

Don't beat yourself up too badly! Things mostly went fine! Except for that whole gay marriage ban in AZ...but, hey what are we gonna do, let them think their love is equal? Get outta town!!!