Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Since Shawn won't post these to his blog I will post them to mine. This is what they do together in the wee hours of the morning.

The developmental nurse came today and my little girl is getting big. 6 pound 6 oz and 19 inches! The program through the state is pretty cool. Any child that spent more than 48 hours in the NICU will be followed by a developmental nurse every 3 months up to age 3. She comes to or house and checks on the progress of Emolyn's development. She is also a lactation consultant and so nice. She always gives us educational information and what are the best things we can do to keep Emolyn growing big and strong. But she said she looks awesome! Go Emolyn!


Miranda said...

Emy's face in the second one... she is so unsure.

NanAZ said...

Great news! Congratulations Em!

Skerrib said...

I love the second one...the dawning of the realization that her daddy is so silly.