Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reader Update

Sorry about the little pics thats all I have for now. Two things:
1. check out Shawn's blog, he finally posted again. 
2. I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (given to me by sweet Miranda) while on vacation. All in all I am pleased with the ending, though not blown away. No tears were shed, no out loud laughter. But good, glad I finished the series. I also finished In Defense of Food a great book about our "western diet" and how our culture has changed what and how we eat. Really makes you want to get back to the basics, have a garden, stop using canned and processed foods, shop at a farmers market. I really enjoyed it.
This song was running through my head through the entire book, very funny.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

HAHA... I had totally forgotten about that song... good song. I am glad you finished the book. It is just sad that it's over, I love my Harry Potter.