Friday, July 18, 2008

Today in the life of me

Whoa! So I had no idea this was such a big deal seeing as my humble friend has mentioned it only vaguely and when you ask Shawn, "so what does Aaron do at his new job?" he says "He goes to meetings and meets people". So you can see how I could not have known this was such a huge deal. Check out how awesome our friend Aaron is here and here. We are so proud. And there is an interview process for all perspective dates. Please email me if interested. I run the process and it is very strict. Please dress appropriately or you won't even be allowed to proceed with the interview.  Note: The dress is business casual. And I know you don't know what that means, no one does.

On a side note scary event this am. Went to costco with my lovely daughter and on the way to the car we hit a dip in the asphalt with the cart and my beautiful baby went flying in the air. She was still strapped in her car seat but the entire car seat came out of the cart and flipped head over feet upside down toward the end of the cart. I caught the car seat, upside down, before she hit the pavement but oh my gosh, Perhaps the scariest time of my life. She got the tinniest scratch on her forehead, gone now, but I took her out and held her and she consoled fine. She is totally ok. But the cart full of flats of water bottles and other plus sized goods landed on my foot. And wow does it hurt. My wonderful friend Jessica came over and unloaded my car for me. I hope my foot is ok because we already have one handicap friend. I think its just a bad bruise, pray for a bruise.

Some post accident photos to let you know she is ok. She has a small red spot on the left side of her forehead but you cant even see it the pics. all is well.


Angie in AZ said...

OMG, that is soooo scary! The scariest thing that happened when I was a new mom ... actually Max was a baby and Sam was two. I was in a parking lot putting Max in his car seat and Sam was in the front of the cart. When I got Max buckled in, I turned to get Sam out of the cart and the cart was missing. I FREAKED! I started screaming for him looking all around and was rapidly getting hysterical when a woman in front of the store pointed. When I turned around, there was Sam, still in the cart, across the parking lot! I didn't realize the cart had been on a little "hill" so when I let go to put Max in the car, the cart just rolled off with Sam in it... across the lot of oncoming cars pulling in! He could have easily been hit. But I thought someone had taken him. Let me tell you, there's no feeling like that and I pray I never experience it again. I've never been so scared! I got Sam out and just burst into tears squeezing him. My whole body was shaking. I was very careful to watch the cart when turning to put one of the boys in the car from then on!

Anyway, I'm glad Emolyn is ok and I sure hope your foot is alright!

Kristen said...

oh that is scary...maybe you shouldn't read my post about Kennady and her incidents. She had actually two shopping cart accidents but one was because she was playing on the side of it and it fell over on her. Have a great day and no more bumps ha! love you guys.

linda t said...

OK, I cried reading Kristen's cart accidents with Kennady... I cried when I read Nicole's post about Emolyn's cart incident... and now reading Angie's cart incident with Sam, I burst into tears again!
SOOO thankful they are ALL OK! Thank you Lord!
Praying your foot heals quickly Nicole.
Love you and Emolyn so much!

Aaron said...

I also go to lunch with people. Just to clarify.

And can we ease the dress code restrictions? I'm just saying, let's not disqualify anyone too hastily...