Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fatty Fatty 2x4

Yes Emolyn got weighed today and she is a hoping 4 lbs 14 oz! In the 8 weeks since she was bon she has doubled her weight and grown 2 1/2 inches! I wanted to give you some comparison photos so you can see the change.

I know you can't see her whole body in todays pic but look how much just her face has changed! Oh and with the expansion of her head circumference Emolyn has learned to read. Here she is reading Pat the Bunny.
Shawn comes home tomorrow!


Miranda said...

Oh, Pat the Bunny... That was a challenging book. Emolyn is so impressive with her knowledge... I mean just yesterday I saw her toting around Dovstoiesky. She's so smart.

Suzy said...

Too sweet! We are really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Aaron said...

the contrast between the size of the chair and the size of the girl is awesome.

Kristen said...

hey I want to see nursey pictures...I love peeking into other peoples homes, okay so that sounds really bad but you know what I mean. love kristen

Skerrib said...

One of the great classics. Smart girl!

Arizona Sports Fanatic said...

She's amazing. She can read without even looking at the book! :)